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BCoder Castle – Best Software App & Web Design Development Company 2023


on demand health care


The healthcare landscape has undergone significant changes since the pandemic began, leading to a transformation in the way we access medical services. Long gone are the days of standing in queues to secure a doctor’s appointment. Instead, numerous online platforms have emerged in the past year, revolutionizing the healthcare system and making it more convenient for patients.

Nowadays, patients can easily schedule appointments with doctors from the comfort of their own homes. Furthermore, they can even receive consultations over the phone, eliminating the need for in-person visits. The introduction of innovative platforms like the Practo Clone App has revolutionized the healthcare system by improving the quality of care and maximizing convenience for doctor consultations.

Considering that healthcare and medicine remain thriving industries, now is an opportune time to embark on an online doctor appointment and consultancy business of your own.

Key Steps for Developing a Practo Clone App

Creating a Practo clone app requires careful planning and execution. Here are five steps to consider while developing a Practo clone app:

    1. Define the Scope and Features

Determine the key features and functionalities you want to include in your Practo clone app. This may include appointment booking, doctor search, online consultation, prescription management, patient records, and more. Make a list of essential features and prioritize them based on user needs.

    1. Design user interfaces and user experiences

Create an intuitive and user-friendly UI/UX design for your app. Ensure that the design elements and navigation flow are easy to understand and navigate. Pay attention to details like color scheme, typography, and iconography to provide a visually appealing experience to your users.

    1. Develop the Backend

Build a robust backend infrastructure to support the functionality of your Practo clone app. This involves setting up servers, databases, APIs, and integrating with third-party services like payment gateways and messaging services. Implement secure authentication and data storage mechanisms to protect user information.

    1. Implement Key Features

Start developing the core features of your Practo clone app. This may include features like doctor profiles, appointment scheduling, patient reviews and ratings, health records management, notifications, and real-time chat or video consultation. Prioritize features based on complexity and importance.

    1. Test, Launch, and Iterate

Thoroughly test your Practo clone app to identify and fix any bugs or usability issues. Conduct extensive testing across different devices and platforms to ensure compatibility and performance. Once you are confident in the app’s stability, launch it on the desired platforms (Android, iOS, web). Gather user feedback and iterate on the app based on user suggestions and market demands.

Basic Key features of a Practo-Inspired Mobile Application

A Practo-like app typically offers a range of features related to healthcare and medical services. Here are some basic features that you might find in a Practo-like app:

    1. Doctor Search

Users can search for doctors based on their specialty, location, availability, and user ratings. The app should provide a comprehensive database of doctors with detailed profiles.

    1. Appointment Booking

Users can book appointments with doctors directly through the app. They can view the doctor’s availability and choose a suitable time slot. The app may also offer the option to reschedule or cancel appointments.

    1. Online Consultations

The app may provide the functionality for users to have virtual consultations with doctors through video calls or chat. Users can discuss their health issues remotely, receive medical advice, and get prescriptions if needed.

    1. Patient Records

The app can allow users to maintain their medical records digitally. Users can store information such as medical history, test reports, prescriptions, and allergies securely in the app.

    1. Prescription and Medication Reminders 

After a consultation, doctors can generate electronic prescriptions that are directly accessible to the users. The app may also send reminders for medication schedules to ensure proper adherence.

    1. Clinic/Hospital Information 

The app can provide details about clinics or hospitals, including their address, contact information, specializations, and user reviews. Users can search for nearby healthcare facilities based on their location.

    1. Health Packages and Offers

Some apps may collaborate with diagnostic labs and offer health checkup packages or discounted services to users. Users can book and pay for these packages through the app.

    1. Emergency Services 

The app can include emergency contact numbers, ambulance services, and other essential healthcare resources to assist users during medical emergencies.

    1. Health Trackers

The app may integrate with fitness trackers or allow users to manually track their health parameters, such as weight, blood pressure, and activity levels. This feature enables users to monitor their health progress over time.

Advantage of Practo-like Mobile Application

Users of a mobile application like Practo can benefit from a number of ways. First off, it offers easy access to a variety of healthcare services, such as scheduling diagnostic testing, ordering medications, and making medical appointments. By removing the need for users to physically visit healthcare institutions, this saves users time and effort. Second, these applications frequently give tools like ratings and reviews of doctors to assist users in selecting a healthcare practitioner. 

Additionally, personalized health records and reminders are frequently offered by smartphone apps like Practo, allowing users to effortlessly manage their medical history and remember important appointments and drug schedules. Overall, these applications improve healthcare services’ efficiency and accessibility, making it easier for people to take care of their health.


If you are in need of a reliable and efficient healthcare mobile app similar to Practo, look no further than Bcoder Castle. Bcoder is a healthcare mobile app development company specializing in developing innovative and user-friendly mobile applications for the healthcare industry. We have skilled healthcare app developer and designers work closely with our clients to understand their specific requirements and deliver a tailor-made solution. With Bcoder’s assistance, you can confidently create a mobile platform that revolutionizes healthcare access and empowers patients and healthcare providers alike. 


Q: What is a mobile app similar to Practo?

A: A Practo-like mobile application is a healthcare platform that enables users to locate and connect with physicians, schedule appointments, access medical information, order medications, and take advantage of other healthcare services via their mobile devices. Both patients and medical professionals can use its practical and user-friendly interface.

Q: How does a mobile app that resembles Practo operate?

A: A user-friendly interface on the mobile application allows users to look up medical professionals or services based on their location, area of expertise, or other preferences. The programme allows users to schedule appointments, have doctor consultations via the internet, get medications, view their medical history, get reminders, and access other healthcare services.

Q: Can I customize a Practo-like mobile application for my specific healthcare business?

A: Yes, Practo-like mobile applications can be customized to fit the specific requirements of your healthcare business. You can incorporate your branding elements, tailor the features to match your service offerings, and modify the user interface to align with your brand identity. Customizations can be made during the development process to ensure the application meets your business needs.

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